Poster of the week: Godzilla

Let me just start by saying that I fully expect Godzilla to be a bad movie. Whether it's Matthew Broderick '98 version bad or just another Pacific Rim (come on, that movie had one of the worst scripts of all time), I don't have high hopes for this movie. 
Godzilla's poster campaign, on the other hand, has been been fantastic. Larger than life images of a beast enveloped in shadows towering over a cityscape it's about to take a 'zilla sized bite out of...if movies were only as good as their posters, this could be gearing up to be one of the great American monster movies. 
So while we'll have to wait a few more months to take a bite out of the finished product (and see what significance those blood streaking bullets headed for God's cranium hold), Warner Bros. is laying down a pretty nifty trail of marketing bread crumbs leading us to its May release. 
